Luminous Freedom: Giving Birth to the New World in You - 1-day (Download)
"This moment in your time is precious. It is a time when you give yourself permission to allow old structures to fall away, at a level never before experienced. It is a time when you give yourself the opportunity to take a giant leap into a new level of freedom, a new resonance of freedom, a new expression of the freedom that is a more natural expression of you. This freedom is luminous. It is a resonance that has the capacity to express more of your light, more of your love, more of your true essence of being. We invite you to join us as we take that giant leap together, allowing the old structures of image and belief to fall away as you soar in the light and the love of Luminous Freedom."
-- Baratta
This recorded workshop with Baratta includes discussions, one-on-one interaction with Baratta, and a guided meditation
(23 files in zip file)
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