Your Spiritual Dignity: A Pathway to Grand New Horizons (Download)
"At many times in your life you encounter challenges, some of which rise to the level of turning points. How you face these challenges can determine the future course of your life. How do you respond when you are presented with change that can move you beyond a limited pattern of living? Do you shrink or retreat? Do you avoid? Do you charge ahead blindly?
"Your response to these challenges and turning points can be infused with a sense of yourself as a being of light, as a part of All That Is, and as an enthusiastic participant in this grand adventure called humanity. It is in this realm that you can find the clues and the substance of your Spiritual Dignity, which can in turn open wide a new pathway to grand new horizons."
This recorded 2-day workshop includes discussion, one-on-one talks with Baratta, and guided meditations.
(31 files in zip file)
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