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“A Luscious Life” Radio Show

From February 2009 through April 2010 Baratta hosted "A Luscious Life", a weekly Internet talk radio show broadcast live on LATalkRadio.com.  In each broadcast, Baratta explored a unique spiritual topic, with occasional appearances by a variety of guests.

This archive of recordings is a permanent record of these classic shows, available to you any time free of charge.


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Show Number &
Broadcast Date
Show Description & Guests Listen

Monday, April 26, 2010
"Knowing You Are Loved" - Throughout your life it may seem that much of your focus is on finding out if you are loved or not, which is truly an expression of the belief that you are not.  We invite you to explore with us tonight as we look at the ways you try to know that you are loved, but more, we will look for the ways you can find the truth – that you are, and have always been, more truly loved than you know.  – Baratta Play


Monday, April 19, 2010
"Coming of Age" - Throughout your lifetime, regardless of how old you are, you have reached and crossed thresholds of age that have had great meaning to you.  The early thresholds often bring feelings of excitement and freedom, but the later ones can bring a sense of fear, loss, pain, or dread.  Tonight we look at the journey of growing older, with its familiar pathways and the intense feelings that can accompany them.  We welcome you as we explore new ways to transform the meaning of growing older, and therefore the experience of it, into an exciting and expansive adventure.  – Baratta
Joining Baratta tonight is guest Tysa Goodrich, who speaks intimately about the experience of growing older as a woman in our society.


Monday, April 12, 2010
"Healing the Psychic Wound of Betrayal, Part 2" - The psychic wound of betrayal can last a lifetime if not consciously attended to.  We invite you to join us tonight as we continue to explore this path of healing.  There is no one answer for every person; there is no single path to the rebuilding of trust, safety, and happiness.  Tonight we look at several different avenues for moving beyond this psychic wound forever.
Baratta is again joined by Tysa Goodrich, as they continue their intimate discussion about this poignant topic.


Monday, April 5, 2010
"Healing the Psychic Wound of Betrayal, Part 1" - Of the many challenges that occur in your life, it is betrayal that can wound you most deeply.  The psychic effect of having someone betray you can last for years, even a lifetime, altering the way you relate to everyone and everything in your life.  Join us tonight as we look at the ways in which this wound can disrupt your journey, and how you can heal and move beyond such wounds forever.  – Baratta
Joining Baratta tonight is guest Tysa Goodrich for an intimate discussion of this poignant topic.


Monday, March 29, 2010
"The Magic of Challenge" – For many of you, the challenges of life are increasing, both in your personal life and in your world.  So often these challenges seem threatening and frightening, and many people would run to the past or blame others for what is wrong with the world.  We invite you to join us tonight as we explore what challenge can be on a personal and global level – a magical and powerful part of an exciting and fulfilling lifetime.  – Baratta Play


Monday, March 22, 2010
"Making a Difference" - How often do you dream of making a difference in the world, only to awaken from that dream to find that your life continues to follow the same day-to-day routine of surviving?  We invite you to join us tonight as we explore how to step beyond limiting routines and truly make a positive difference in your own life and the lives of others.  – Baratta Play


Monday, March 15, 2010
"Boundaries: Your Personal Domain" – In a world where love is so often in question, it can be challenging to establish and respect the boundaries of yourself or of others.  We invite you to join us tonight as we explore the delicate interaction between your lovingness and your personal boundaries, and how to find a new balance of your power and vulnerability.  – Baratta
Baratta has an intimate conversation with his guest Tysa Goodrich about a challenge she faces with boundaries in her life.  With callers, Baratta and Tysa discuss how to deal with boundary issues that come up in both family and romantic relationships.


Monday, March 1, 2010
"Standing for Freedom: A Look Deeper" – From the time of early youth, so many of you have sought freedom from influences that you felt were limiting you, whether it was parents, institutions, or even "life".  Many times you bring such struggles into your personal adult relationships as well.  Tonight we invite you to join us as we look deeper at both the search and the struggles, to discover your true source of freedom within, and how you can use that personal freedom to change your life—and your world.  – Baratta
During the show, Baratta talks with caller (and previous guest) Richard Stubbs about the issues of freedom that arise within families.


Monday, February 22, 2010
"A Sacred Trust: The Love of Your Life" – In intimate loving relationships, so often one, and many times, both people give up part of themselves, believing they must do so for the sake of the relationship.  In this way significant pieces of self can be abandoned, left behind, causing pain and resentment.  Join us tonight as we look for a way beyond this well-worn avenue, to explore what it can be to have the love of your life, and to bring a new honesty, freedom, and autonomy into this most sacred trust.  – Baratta
Joining Baratta tonight is guest Tysa Goodrich, who shares some fascinating insights into her relationship with her husband, channel Dale Carley.  With a caller, Baratta and Tysa explore how to stop waiting until we are "enough" to have what we want in our lives


Monday, February 8, 2010
"The Gift of Self-Acceptance" – You spend much of your life measuring the ways that you are, or are not, acceptable to others, often working very hard to make yourself more acceptable.  Yet, the feeling of being accepted never seems to fully find a home in you.   It is time now to give yourself that gift – the gift of self-acceptance.  – Baratta
Joining Baratta in the studio are guests Cathy Stubbs, Richard Stubbs, and Tysa Goodrich for a lively discussion on this important topic.


Monday, January 18, 2010
"Moments of Opportunity" – Each day of your life is rich with opportunities, but many times it is as though they are hidden in plain sight.  Learning to see, and yes, to respond to those opportunities can accelerate the pace of your growth, your expansion, and your success, far beyond what you may have ever imagined.  We invite you to join us as we embark on yet another adventure in your luscious life.  – Baratta Play


Monday, January 11, 2010
"Resolving the Paradox of Sensitivity" – One of our most beautiful human capacities is the ability to be touched by the world around us.  Yet sensitivity is often avoided, denied, misused, and judged as a weakness.  On one hand, we don’t want to shut down our sensitivity, but we also don’t want to be so sensitive we can’t stand being in the world, around people or "negative energies." The power is in the resolution of this paradox.  Join Baratta and his guest, writer and musician Tysa Goodrich, as they explore both sides of sensitivity, and discuss how we can awaken the creative power needed to make a difference in a dynamically changing world. Play


Monday, January 4, 2010
"Partners In Love" – What has partnership been for you in the past?  How would you like it to be better?  Tonight Baratta talks about the issue of partnership within a loving relationship – with yourself, another, friends or associates, or even those unseen friends who are beyond the physical world. Play


Monday, December 28, 2009
"Ending Separation From Love" – As you prepare for a New Year shortly to come, laying a new foundation of resonance upon which to build, it can be helpful to work with the ways you separate yourself from your love and the love of those around you.  We invite you to join us tonight as we explore together how to end that separation from love.  – Baratta Play


Monday, December 21, 2009
"A Pregnant Pause" – This time of giving can be filled with anxiety and stress, even dread, and can lead you to wanting it to be over as soon as possible.  But there is another possibility: letting this be a time in which you pause, to clarify and purify your love, in preparation for a whole new range of loving expression in an exciting new year.  Join Baratta as he reveals a powerful new way to experience the holiday season. Play


Monday, December 14, 2009
"The Season of Giving" – Baratta explores the familiar sense of obligation and stress that accompanies the year-end holidays, and the opportunity that this time of the year can be for the deeper discovery and expression of your own love and the love of others. Play


Monday, November 9, 2009
"Dealing with the Fear of Change" – It is a time of dramatic change in our world, both globally and personally.  Join Baratta tonight as he explores the many ways that change can frighten us and trigger our habitual survival mechanisms, and how to move beyond them into an exciting new experience of life. Play


Monday, November 2, 2009
"The Dance of Duality" – Tonight Baratta invites us on a fascinating journey into the magic and mystery that is our universe of duality: the dark and light, the feminine and masculine, the yin and yang, and "what works and what doesn’t."   Step by step, Baratta shares how we can bring greater elegance and ease into our lives through recognizing both our failures and our successes as integral parts of our Dance of Duality. Play


Monday, October 26, 2009
"Your Personal Autonomy" – Tonight Baratta talks in depth about how we may resist, and then how we may find the fullness of our autonomy.  As Baratta describes it, "There is a wonderful peace that can be found in the pursuit and discovery of your personal autonomy.  It is a peace that comes from knowing the choices you make in your life are truly your own." Play


Monday, September 7, 2009
"A New Personal Paradigm: Power, Creativity, and Manifesting your Dreams" – Baratta welcomes his special guest, filmmaker and photographer Norman Seeff, who for three decades has explored the inner dynamics of the creative process with hundreds of the world's greatest artists and innovators.  Join Baratta and Norman as they discuss how we can make a personal paradigm shift, unleashing our limitless power and creativity to manifest our dreams. Play


Monday, August 10, 2009
"Beyond Death: Miracles of Communication" - Opening to loving communication beyond death can provide comfort for the living, and healing on both sides.  Upon their new path, those who have crossed over often need to let their loved ones know they are okay.  Join Baratta and Tysa Goodrich as they discuss ways in which we can open to these miracles of communication that can be received and gifted on both sides.  During the show, Tysa and Baratta assist a caller in contacting a recently departed lifelong friend. Play


Monday, August 3, 2009
"Ending Negative Self-Criticism" – How many of us have said these words?  "I am my own worst critic."  This statement is a reminder of just how harsh we can be with ourselves, something we rely upon in the vain hope that self-admonishment will bring an end to our feelings of inadequacy.  Join Baratta as he examines the origins of negative self-criticism, and how we can end it once and for all. Play


Monday, July 27, 2009
"Deepening Your Trust" – One of the most frightening things in life is opening to trust someone more, whether that someone is another person or yourself.  Most often the fear comes from the knowledge that with greater trust comes a greater risk of being hurt.  Join Baratta tonight as he explains how to navigate that fear and build new trust that can become a foundation for greater love and happiness in our lives. Play


Monday, July 20, 2009
"Your Radiant Future" – At every moment our consciousness is attuned to a particular range of possibility.  Within that range, the expectations of the past can limit what we imagine for the future.  Join Baratta tonight as he reveals how we can re-tune our range of possibility so that we can elegantly receive our most radiant future. Play


Monday, July 13, 2009
"A New Foundation of Love" – We all know the intensity, the passion, the whirlwind of falling in love, but often we try to ignore the pain, real or anticipated, that may lie beneath that intensity.  Join Baratta tonight to learn how to heal that pain, and establish a new foundation upon which to stand as we open to more love in our lives. Play


Monday, July 6, 2009
"Beyond the Illusion of Possession" - The urge to possess someone or something can come up suddenly, from deep inside of us, when we are most afraid of losing what matters to us.  It can push others away from us, and make us feel weaker and more isolated than ever.  With a caller, Baratta explains how possessiveness can be a way of avoiding and controlling emotions, especially fear.  Join Baratta as he explores how we can set ourselves and others free from this imprisoning pattern of life. Play


Monday, June 15, 2009
"Entering the World of Crystals" - Baratta welcomes his special guest, master crystal artisan Lawrence Stoller, for a fascinating exploration of the relationship between humans and crystals.  Lawrence and Baratta discuss the ways we can interact with crystals, and what can happen in our lives when we do.  They explore the capacity of crystals to “wake up” in response to our appreciation of their beauty, and Lawrence shares beautiful stories of life-changing experiences people have had with crystals in his studio. Play


Monday, June 8, 2009
"Money Love" - Baratta talks about creating a link between love and money, so that money becomes one of the expressions of our inherent love, worth, and value.  Baratta shares the benefits of moving beyond the idea that money is a measurement of our success.  With a caller, Baratta explores how we can free ourselves from emotional indebtedness, lack of forgiveness, and the patterns of struggle and competition in the realm of money and success. Play


Monday, June 1, 2009
"Before Birth" - Baratta welcomes his returning guest, writer and musician Tysa Goodrich, for a fascinating exploration of what happens in the journey of a soul before birth, as it prepares to enter the infant body within the womb.  In her work with a woman, Tysa shares the story of how much the woman had wanted to have a baby, the husband who was resistant, and the loving message Tysa received from the soul of the child-to-be.  Baratta and Tysa talk of the lively psychic communication between Tysa and her own unborn child's soul during her pregnancy, including during and following music gigs.  Tysa shares several techniques that future mothers (and fathers) can use to make that beautiful psychic connection to their unborn child. Play


Monday, May 25, 2009
"Courageous Sexuality" - Baratta discusses the process of opening to a deeper, more fulfilling experience of our sexuality, as well as the far-reaching impact it can have, not only in the act of being sexual, but in all facets of our lives.  During the show, Baratta invites Tysa Goodrich to join in and share her perspectives on this deeply personal topic.  Together, Baratta and Tysa talk of moving beyond the fear of falling short, letting the current moment be new, and discovering more of who we and our partners are – as we continually unfold the mystery of our sexual selves through courageous sexuality. Play


Monday, May 18, 2009
"Passion in Marriage" - Baratta welcomes special guest Franc Sloan, a beautifully insightful speaker who describes himself as "a spiritual consultant with a passion for mystery."  Tonight Franc shares with Baratta his experiences talking with men of all ages about the passion that so often gets lost in intimate relationships, and the remorse that men feel about that loss.  Together, Baratta and Franc examine how familiar expectations of "what always happens in relationships" can make it a foregone conclusion that passion will eventually die.  As this lively conversation unfolds, Baratta and Franc explore how passion can continually grow when we stay on "the leading edge of love." Play


Monday, May 11, 2009
"An Open Heart" - Tonight Baratta invites us to consider how we sometimes close our hearts to the people around us, and how opening our hearts more can profoundly change our lives, as well as the lives of those around us.  In a very intimate conversation with a caller, Baratta describes how to deal with the flashes of anger that can come up as our old sensitivities are triggered by a loved one, causing him or her to feel hurt and abandoned.  Baratta closes with a beautiful description of what can happen within us as we begin to relate to ourselves with an open heart. Play


Monday, May 4, 2009
"Making Contact" - Baratta once again welcomes Tysa Goodrich for an evening focused on loved ones who have passed on - and those who are left behind.  Tysa shares how we can connect with our departed loved ones, and she tells two fascinating stories of communication with spirits.  Baratta and Tysa help a caller deal with the issue of a controlling mother who has delivered one final punishment to her daughter before dying.  Another caller asks for help to connect with her grandparents who perished in the holocaust, and with a close friend who died more recently, wanting to ask him where he wants her to spread his ashes. Play


Monday, April 27, 2009
"Bridging the Divide" - Baratta talks about the many ways we separate ourselves from each other - and from ourselves - and how to heal that separation.  With a caller, Baratta describes how to move beyond the fear of humiliation and rejection that keeps us from connecting more deeply with other people.  With another, he explores how we can deal with our personal fears about the Swine Flu crisis, and how to use that process to make a personal contribution to the world.  Baratta also discusses the powerful process of developing a new relationship with change, chaos and the unknown as we reach for more love and happiness in our lives. Play


Monday, April 20, 2009
"Interview with Baratta (Part 2)" - Baratta welcomes returning guest Jean-Noel Bassior, the award-winning journalist, author, and writing/publishing coach, as they continue their intimate conversation about the nature of Baratta's existence.  In response to each of Ms. Bassior's wide-ranging questions, Baratta describes his non-physical viewpoint, then goes on to examine how that understanding may be useful to us in our physical lives.  Questions include:  What is it like to be non-physical?  What do you do in the non-physical realm?  What would it be like to live without the fear of death?  What existed before the Big Bang?  ...A truly fascinating discussion. Play


Monday, April 13, 2009
"The Joy of Being Physical" - Tonight Baratta examines the relationship between our consciousness and our physicality: how our physical body is part of our journey of conscious growth and expansion, and how to let our physical life be the joyous experience it can be.  With callers, Baratta talks about discovering our deepest fear, finding clarity on the decision to move to a new city, and how to deal with the confused emotions accompanying the triple challenge of divorce, loan modification, and the loss of a job. Play


Monday, April 6, 2009
"Messages From the Heart" - Baratta's guest is Tysa Goodrich, who returns for this evening's show devoted to people who have lost loved ones.  Baratta begins the show by inviting Tysa to share how she first discovered she could sense those who had crossed over, and about her particular ability as an empathic medium.  Tysa and Baratta talk with several callers: A father who passed away sends a message of apology and explanation for not showing his love to his daughters, and a caller from a previous show asks for an update on how her late husband is doing on the other side.  At the close of the show, a ghost visits the studio with a message for Tysa. Play


Monday, March 30, 2009
"Interview with Baratta (Part 1)" - In tonight’s fascinating show, Baratta has an intimate conversation with special guest Jean-Noel Bassior, the award-winning journalist, author, and writing/publishing coach who has interviewed film stars, political figures and best-selling authors for Redbook, McCall’s, Parade, Woman’s World and many other publications.  Prompted by Ms. Bassior's insightful questions, Baratta talks in depth about where he comes from, what it’s like to be where he is, and why he has chosen to reach across the boundary between his realm and ours to spend time with us. Play


Monday, March 23, 2009
"The Gift of Intimacy" – Tonight Baratta helps us unravel the reasons why we resist deeper intimacy, and how, by moving beyond them, we can discover the gift that intimacy is, to ourselves and to others.  Baratta explores the question, “How much of ourselves should we share for the sake of intimacy – should we tell all our secrets?”  With a caller, he talks about being responsible for impact on others, feeling new depths of remorse, and self-forgiveness.  With another caller, Baratta senses the emotional basis for a relative’s life-threatening illness, and sends healing energy to that person. Play


Monday, March 16, 2009
"Natural Happiness" – Tonight Baratta talks in depth about the magic that can be found in our interactions with others. He describes how we often opt for the safety of familiar patterns of relating, and how, by reaching beyond those patterns, we can find new levels of intimacy, power, hope, and passion.  Continuing, Baratta speaks of how we are conditioned to accept "what is" in order to "be happy" - to be "grateful for what we have", which often means settling for what is, not looking any further, and shutting down our natural curiosity, yearning, and passion for what may come next in our lives.  With a caller, Baratta talks about letting go of the need to prove our worthiness for the gifts we receive in our lives. Play


Monday, March 9, 2009
"A Personal Contribution" – Baratta explores hope as a powerful energy and a personal contribution we can make to our world.  He also discusses the idea that we can all be healers of a kind - no matter what our work may be.  With callers, Baratta talks about the issue of entitlement as a response to fear, dealing with the voices within that hold us back in our chosen work, and reclaiming the imaginative and intuitive self when it has been lost.  In the midst of the show, Baratta helps us to participate more actively by sharing the loving energy from our hearts, connecting with every other listener. Play


Monday, March 2, 2009
"With Honor and Love" – Baratta welcomes returning guest Tysa Goodrich for this evening's show devoted to people who have lost loved ones.  Baratta and Tysa talk with several callers, with Tysa providing an emotional bridge for communication between them and their loved ones.  Baratta also speaks with callers about "clearing the decks" emotionally in preparation for a new job, and healing grief that never seems to end. Play


Monday, February 23, 2009
"Reaching For Freedom" – Baratta speaks with callers about: moving beyond the fear of making mistakes when the stakes are high; building more trust in ourselves; connecting with the love in what we do; letting go of perfectionism; making the choice to have children or not; experiencing emotional depth as part of “A Luscious Life“ going into the unknown of our lives with a new depth of feeling; self-forgiveness and the freedom that can be found on the other side of it. Play


Monday, February 16, 2009
"Into The Unknown" – In this evening's show Baratta talks with callers on a variety of subjects, including: facing the unknown, with its fear as well as its excitement; detoxifying our physical bodies by clearing ourselves of toxic emotions; grounding ourselves solidly in a new level of success.  During the show, Baratta receives a call from a family who has just lost their beloved father and husband.  Baratta enlists the help of Tysa Goodrich, a writer and musician who also has the ability to sense those who have crossed over.  Together, Tysa and Baratta assist the family in a loving communication with their departed loved one. Play


Monday, February 9, 2009
"The Wholeness of Self" – Baratta speaks with callers about many aspects of "A Luscious Life": feeling emotions intensely, being adventurous in life with a sense of abandon as well as responsibility; changing our relationship with fear to a positive one; receiving and evaluating personal messages from non-physical sources; the rational mind and its role in the wholeness of self. Play


Monday, February 2, 2009
"A Luscious Life" (Premiere) – In the premiere, Baratta introduces the idea of “A Luscious Life” as an expression of ourselves that is unfettered by convention, habit, or conformity – a richness of truly being ourselves.  This evening's focus is on finding ways to give the full range of our emotional being a home in us - to give ourselves a safe place in our lives to “breathe” emotionally. Play
