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Baratta talks about...

Masculine/Feminine Balance…
in response to current events

This is an excerpt from the July 2003 meeting of Baratta's Santa Monica discussion group. This lively and compassionate group of individuals has met with Baratta on a regular basis to discuss, in particular, current events and how to respond to them.

Baratta: All right, it's Baratta…Hello, hello! We've had a chance to just tap in a bit to each of you…and so that allows us to be perhaps more connected, more present with you -- and perhaps you with us as well. Is there someone who would like to reveal a bit of the essence of the evening at this moment?

Virginia: Well, I'll start. Since we're still in the glow of this full moon…

Baratta: Yes, indeed…

Virginia: It was just incredible…the full moon in Capricorn and the sun in cancer, both epitomizing the masculine and feminine…the co-creation of balance and power, love and will… more of that healing, balancing energy, empowering the back-and-forth of the male/female, masculine/feminine…

Baratta: Yes…

Virginia: …and as we've done before, to try bringing that out in the world, and how we can do that especially…

Baratta: Yes, well yes…

Virginia: …knowing the political situation…

Baratta: Oh yes of course…Well, as with so many people, there is a tendency when there is an increase in fear about what is going on in your world, in your life, about what is coming in the future, that you are tempted, very often, to call upon that which is within yourself you are accustomed to calling upon to deal with a situation, yes? And very often, that which you call upon is perhaps not as balanced as it might have been. This might be, for example, an old system of responding to situations that have to be dealt with directly. Perhaps for many, calling upon that very active and very forceful masculine energy that steps forward and says, "All right, I'm going to solve this problem!" And so often that trips off, trips over, yes... into control. [Group laughter] Yes? Does this sound familiar to anyone?

Virginia: Ellen, did you get that? Did you write that down for us? [Laughter]

Ellen: No, it just seemed so obvious I didn't think I needed to…

Baratta: Yes, yes of course you all know it's fear, and then the control and all of that, but you see, it's so easy to forget the balancing act. You see, when that masculine, that version of masculine energy, is so accustomed to, "I have the confidence! I have the ability! I can go right forward and take care of this! And it's worked for me so many times, but why isn't it working for me NOW?" Because it ceases to work in this time. It ceases to work, especially now. It doesn't have the same result. It creates friction rather than results. It creates backlash. It creates things coming at you. It creates, yes, resistance. Why? Because it's out of alignment with what you need for yourself right now. It's out of alignment with who you are becoming. It's out of alignment with those dreams and visions that you've thrown out there, and that you are working to reel in. But the fear comes out, "Can I do it? Can I accomplish what I need to accomplish? Can I accomplish the changes that I want to make in my life, in my world?" And the fear comes up. And what's the response to fear? "Pull up all that I have within myself to do what I need to do! Call in the troops!"…

Virginia: "Bring 'em on…"

Baratta: …"Call in the 3rd infantry!" …Yes? "Get Saddam!" …Yes? It's all that fear response, and that old avenue of calling in the unbalanced masculine…the over-sexed masculine…yes? The castrated masculine, indeed. Because that's what over-sexed is, it's castrated. OVER SEXED. Well, there's no such thing as being too sexual. So it's really…so over-sexed that you're sex-less. Castrated. Yes…yes…yes. And so, it doesn't work. You get "quagmired," yes? It doesn't work. People take pot shots at you…people get angry with you…because it's not what they need from you. It's the dumb soldier approach. Yes? Not that you're dumb…not even that your government is dumb. They're relying on old avenues. They're relying on old responses, yes, some of them being blatantly ego-based, but nevertheless, relying on what is KNOWN. And it's not working. So very, very clearly not working.

And so, what to do? Call upon the feminine. As she, the feminine within you, and externally to you, as they come, as they blend…there is impact on that masculine. It starts to let go, it starts to get disoriented, it starts to…float. It starts to not know what to do, yes? All right, and so the masculine is receding and the feminine is coming forward, yes? And yes, the feminine may shift the balance a bit more than to the middle, a bit farther…to create a space that then a more integrated masculine can come into, with the shell of that unbalanced masculine falling away… the shell of the old avenues falling away, making room for a new, more vulnerable approach to life, yes? More vulnerable…one that says, "All right, there's fear here. First of all, it means I'm on the right track! It means I'm headed in the right direction…it's my compass. It's feedback. Something BIG is coming… something big is just beyond there."

The vulnerability brings the strength of commitment, the strength of vision, the strength of will. It makes space for that will to blend with that love and to push through…to push through the fear. To go through it and say, "What is here for me? What am I afraid is going to happen?" And to voice it, if not to someone else, for yourself. "I'm really afraid of this! What am I going to do if this happens, if that happens, if this falls apart, if this doesn't happen for me the way I have envisioned it? What am I going to do if this happens in the world or if this doesn't happen in the world?" And there's an answer to that. There's an answer to that that you can provide for yourself. Thus easing the ride through the fear, letting it then flow over you as you glide through it, vulnerable with it, present with it, understanding it is part of you. It is part, also, of your journey to where you are going. It can become more your friend in this way. And in that way, as well, the future you envisioned becomes more your friend. Yes! Why? Because you are making the expanded you more your friend. Lovely, isn't it? Yes. Because truly you encompass, or can encompass, by choice, the future that you want, rather than seeing it out there that you have to somehow draw into you, have to pull it in, you have to lasso it! You have to grab it! You have to control it! You have to cajole it! You have to make it happen! It is the struggle that we are referring to -- the rising to the occasion of ‘beyond me'. Do you understand what we are saying?

Group: Mm-hmm

Baratta: "It's beyond me and I have to rise to the occasion." All right, yes, there are things that are beyond your imagination, that you want to reach for in your imagination and create, yes…but then there are things that are in your imagination, but somehow seem beyond you… and part of this that we talk about tonight is the expansion of you to encompass that. Because the key point is that you, individually, cannot reach for something, or imagine something, whether within the scope of your current imagination or just beyond it… you cannot even think to reach for something that is not potentially within your energy -- that is not potentially of you. And so, the boundary of who you believe you are can be stretched to encompass more of what you do not yet know yourself to be, but that you are, in the potential, and therefore are, because it is all energy, to which you are connected, otherwise you would not know to reach. "It doesn't make sense"… and yet it does. Yes… Yes. Beautiful.